Career Insights with DAF Alumni

On August 2022, I had the opportunity to speak in an knowledge sharing session with Current Students of North South University. In the session, I have spoken from my own experience about the decision making process I went through while selecting my career path. I also spoken about current and future opportunities of this profession. Ultimate goal was to encourage students to pursue professional accreditation. I am sharing my speech here so that other may be encouraged too. Read more

সিএ হবার স্বপ্নযাত্রা

বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় এর পাট চুকানোর পর কি করব এটা নিয়ে পড়লাম অথৈ সাগরে। চাকুরীতে যাব না এমবিএ করব নাকি সিএ/আইসিএমএবি এ ঢুকব নাকি প্রবাস জীবন বেছে নেব। একাধিক বিকল্প থাকলে যা হয় আরকি। অবশেষে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষা হাতে কলমে প্রয়োগ করলাম। খাতা কলম নিয়ে বসলাম প্রত্যেক বিকল্পের সুবিধা-অসুবিধা বের করার জন্য। Read more

Flashback 2017 : A year of stress

Generally off years favors me very much. Alhamdulillah 2017 has been a blessing for me. I had many success during this year. I got promoted, got pay rise, visited new counties, went on trips, passed professional exams, got married, learned new things, and made some savings. Overall, Alhamdulillah, 2017 is was an exciting and successful year for me. Read more

Living in reality & Going beyond expectation

I've learned that time is short and time management is very much important. Until now, I have not been realized how important time management is. I had busy schedule before but not to the extent I had been till yesterday. I was so much stressed and I had slept less that 5 hour per day. Several times I've wished that there were 48 hours in a day instead of 24 hours. Read more

Life is weird!

Life is weird! You don't know what fate have for you. One moment you are all set and ready to go and next moment you are totally unprepared. On day you are controlling your life and next day life is controlling you. You make plan for your life and life has another plan for you. Life happens everyday. What I am saying is life is total uncertain and full of unexpected elements. This is what the beauty or the horror of the life. What life decided you, you should follow it unless you can create your own path. Read more