Old Blog 5: Mystery & a heartbreak!

At last the mystery has been revealed. After 5 days of suspense, mystery has been revealed. Well the mystery is not that much serious. no. it is serious. My performance for Production Management (MGT314) course depended on it. OK, let me give you the full details. Read more

Repairing Crumbling Wall With Lego

Have you ever thought of fixing your house's broken wall with Lego? or have you even think of decorating your room with creative wall made of Lego? may be you have or may be you haven't. But Jan Vourmann did . Jan is a German artist and he has spent last three years traveling the world and repairing crumbling walls and monuments with Lego. 26 years old Jan has taken his project from its humble beginnings at an art fair in Rome and brightened up thousands of people's days with his brightly colored plastic Lego. His fixing doesn't have architectural value but surely has lots of artistic value. Some of his creative fixing is shared below. Look at pictures below and see how creatively he did this job. Read more

Test post and football match

Wordpress have some nice features. One of this is email post. I can post my blog via email. So i found that i can post right from my cell phone. To test this wordpress feature i'm sending this post as an email from my cell phone. I need to find out if this features really works. If it does i'll be able to write my blog from anywhere. Read more


Wordpress removed my previous blog site as I violated some of its rules. Wordpress doesn't allow third party's code which I used. Anyway, my blog got removed and I had to start a new blog. It was a bog loss from me. All my previous blog post got removed as I didn't have backup of those posts. Read more