2020 was a year of hardship, suffering and desperate attempt to survive. This has made me realize that out life is the most valuable thing that we possess. Instead of spending it on gaining wealth and fame, we should focus more on leading a peaceful life. While we should develop our professional connections, we should also maintain connections with our family members, relatives, friends and close one. We must follow the policy of ‘family first’. We should try our best to make life easier to the people near to us. With these realizations, I have come up with following resolutions for the year 2021:
- Maintain a healthy and balanced life.
- Spend more time with family members and people close to you.
- Participate in social and professional events.
- Recite Holy Quran at least once a week.
- Read at least 20 books.
- Write at least a blog per week.
- Publish at least an article in professional journals.
- Conduct training sessions/ professional discussion sessions.
- Spend time on continuing professional development.
- Go places riding bicycle.
- Travel 3/4 places within and outside country.
- Give maximum efforts on the unattained goals.
- Do and learn something new.
- Change at least one person’s life for better.
- Sponsor scholarship for at least one deserving student.
I have made my resolutions. This will be my checklist for this 2021. Expecting to tick off all 15 items.
I wish 2021 will be much better than 2020. my past trend shows me odd years are on my favor. Let’s see how this odd year 2021 goes. Wishing everyone a happy and joyous new year. Stay Safe & Stay healthy.