A sample love letter for HR Managers

Some of my friends have taken HRM as their concentration. And unfortunately most of them are single. As a future HR manager, They should know how to write a love letter as they will be recruiting their boyfriend or girlfriend. Well, I'm not experienced in this sector but still I came forward to help them. I collected this sample Love letter for my future HR manager friends. Others can use this sample too but at your own risk. Because this sample is specialized for HR Managers. Hope you will find it useful. :P Read more

Old Blog 26: Generation Gap!

When I was an active blogger in Prothom-aloblog.com, I wrote this post. I was having a hard time for my family and elder relatives. I started to think why any elder person can’t understand me. I understood that it’s due to generation gap. So I started to think why this generation gap exists and how to solve it. And this is how I ended up writing this blog. It was first published on Prothom-aloblog.com . It is one of my high-level thinking post. Why should I put such post in other blog when I have my own blog? So I’m re-posting it here. Read more

Old Blog 25: End of winter break!

My break started after my final exam of last semester. in the beginning of the semester i went to visit Sylhet with my 6 other friends. For the first time we friends gone to a tour. we all were too much excited. we couldn’t sleep tour nights due to excitement. but yet we slept :P . The tour was really great. we returned from the tour, started on 31st December,2009, on 4th January,2010 night. days passed by as we remembered the tour. But after boring time started. I had nothing to do. no study, to assignment or quiz, no project. i was like a bird who doesn’t know where to fly. so I started to stay awake till late night and woke up at noon. my parents become angry with me but i found it is a great way to pass boring time. i was some good movies but later on i lost interest. i had no interest on Facebook. So i started working blog and website and created this blog. but now my break is almost finished. only two more days remaining. than a new and my 7th semester will start with painful advising. i pretty much tensed about advising because i’m sure i’ll not get my desired courses and faculty. for sure i have to stand in painful re-advising line. my previous semester wasn’t up to the expectation. so i have to work hard this semester. i’m making some plan to do well in this semester. now i need God’s blessings and help. may Allah help me. Read more

Old Blog 23: Rain! rain!! go away!!!

I always like rain! From the childhood I’m in love with rain. Whenever I had chance I use to get wet in rain. But when I moved to Dhaka, i had very limited time to get wet in rain water. Yesterday I had got another chance after long time. Though it was totally unwanted. Read more

Old Blog 22: I got world cup fever!

I’m not that a football freak. I mean I love playing football but I’m not mad for football. I don’t see International football matches and club footballs leagues. I don’t keep news about football leagues. But sometime I just want to know what’s happening in leagues. For that I don’t have to go any sites, news papers or magazines. I simply go to some of my friends. They are so much in love with football. They never misses any matches or news about football. So when I go to them about updates, I get all of it with analysis. :) Read more