First Day of Auditing
I don't know how other thinks about us but as an auditor I feel I am something...:P and now I am looking forward to the upcoming days..... Read more
Random & pointless thoughts!
I don't know how other thinks about us but as an auditor I feel I am something...:P and now I am looking forward to the upcoming days..... Read more
Advertisement is the language of marketing efforts. Marketers use this language to communicate with their target market. And here comes the concept of exposure, when you talk about advertisement. Exposure of particular advertisement occurs when anyone encounters with that advertisement. The more encounter the more exposure for that advertisement. Marketers want to increase their advertisement exposure as much as possible. Captive advertising is the most popular concept to ensure advertisements' exposure to desired target markets. Captive advertising is advertising that one cannot escape from. From the name you can understand that target markets are help captive when they are exposed to the advertisements. Read more
When you are done with an exam, you know how you did in the exam. It could be very good, Very bad or average. At least you are not confused about it. But I was after my exam today. Read more
Current government of Bangladesh came into power with the motto of Digital Bangladesh. The set vision 2020 to complete the motto. Well, that’s a good thing to say. But in reality what they are doing? They are not setting up any new facility for achieving the goal that the government set. They lied to us. They don’t care about digital Bangladesh. I think, they don’t even know what digital actually means. How can I say this? We know digital is actually form of two binary digit. Those two digit is 0 & 1. o represents the absence of electricity & 1 represents the presence of electricity. When any data or information is represented these two binary digits it becomes digital. Read more
Does marketing creates need or responds to the need? it is the very old marketing argument. I think marketing does this both. In order to survive in the competition or keeping business alive, marketers has to follow both strategies. Marketing satisfies need when consumers’ know what they need. But when there is no need is present or consumers’ don’t have the idea about what they need, marketing creates need. Read more
We all know VAT means Value Added Tax. When you add some some value to your product, you have to pay VAT to the government or Revenue board. Yeah it's very logical because you adding some value and making some profit out of it. So you must pay VAT.But one thing we need to know and that is "VAT IS FOR BUSINESS FIRMS ONLY". Read more
BTRC stands for Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. This organization controls the telecommunication facilities. Their job is to develop the telecommunication system. In order to do that they undertakes many decisions and policies. But most of their decisions are wrong. Their latest decision is to stop the us of VSAT technology. Read more
At last Bangladesh government figured out their wrong decision. That's why they have unbanned VSAT use. Previously govt. banned all sort of VSAT use in order to stop illegal VOIP use. Read more