have a safe journey!

Journey right now is a great hassle. But yet people are ready to go through the hassle just to celebrate the Eid with friends, family and relatives. Eid is a day of joy. The day become more enjoyable when celebrated with family. It is great memory to go to the eid prayer wearing new dresses and holding father's or son's hand. Again it feels great to see happy faces around you. Read more

What is your relationship status in university period?

If you are a university student, what do you think your relationship status will be at the end of the university life? If you already graduated from university, what was your relationship status for that time frame? I made a theory that assumes there could be 18 types of relationship status during your university life. See if you can find yours among these 18 types. Read more

1st anniversary of my blog and few Stats!!

I don't know whether these stats & numbers are impressive or not but I'm impressed. Last one year I got some positive feedback about my blog site & posts. It greatly reinforced me to keep blogging. I'm thankful to my friends who greatly supported & motivated me through their comments or verbal appreciations. Even though I didn't write a single post in last month but I hope to write regularly from now on. Please pray for me that I can keep blogging. Read more

Contradiction to Self: Part 1

A person is defined by his or her beliefs and philosophy. When the beliefs and philosophy become extincted, there remains nothing to define a person. Right not I'm in that position. All my personal beliefs and philosophy have either destroyed or changed. Now I am just a contradiction to myself. Read more