Our NSU Internet Lab

Let me ask you a question. What is the purpose of a internet lab in a university? I think it is for to enable student to access internet while they are at university. To help they to check emergency emails and collect required data. Then what's the point of blocking websites? Read more

The Bad Phrase…

There are sometimes when things trend to go wrong. Doesn't matter what you do or what are done to you, things ends up with mess. And other time everything you do or done to you ends with success even if you don't try hard. This is a cycle good phrase and bad phrase. This cycle repeats itself with times. And looks like I'm passing the bad phrase at this moment. Read more

My "BATTLE OF MINDS" Adventure….

I found that I don't have interest on BOM anymore. This is exactly how Mobashra felt earlier but I insisted her to participate. I apologize to Mobashra for insisting and making her to participate. Though I know she liked the grooming session and will do better if she participate in BOM. I'm done with my "Battle of Minds" adventure but I'm requesting Mobashra to apply for BOM. Hope she will consider It. Read more