My "BATTLE OF MINDS" Adventure….

I found that I don't have interest on BOM anymore. This is exactly how Mobashra felt earlier but I insisted her to participate. I apologize to Mobashra for insisting and making her to participate. Though I know she liked the grooming session and will do better if she participate in BOM. I'm done with my "Battle of Minds" adventure but I'm requesting Mobashra to apply for BOM. Hope she will consider It. Read more

Story of NSU Nerd Club

Yesterday I opened NSU NERD CLUB. I can't believe I actually did it. I was thinking to open this club for a very long time and finally I did it. Initial response was surprising. Got 7 nerd member instantly. If you want to know the reason why I opened this club, you have to know the history behind it. Read more

Watch out cricket wrold!

Today Bangladesh cricket team & its captain Shakib Al Hasan were all over the newspapers. I didn't find any newspaper without report on Bangladesh cricket team. Everyone is praising the team and captain Shakib. Why won't they? For the first time Bangladesh won a series against a full strength test playing country. They just won the 5 ODI series against New Zealand. Read more

Test for Patience

Patience is one of the great virtues. From the childhood we were taught to keep patience all the time. But it's really hard to be patient all the time. If you want to know how patient you can be, then take the test I suggest. I think the biggest test for patience is teaching a kid. You may not believe me but let me tell you why I think it so. Read more

Hello Again!!

Hello Again!! I'm writing this blog after a short break. I was having my semester break. Wanted to have break from everything else too..:P . Besides I wasn't feel like writing anything.. Today was the last day of semester break and suddenly I got the feeling to write something. Beside one of my friend asked me to write about last few here I'm writing again! Read more

new advising, old experience

North South University have changed its advising system. For the first time in NSU history I saw the most lengthy advising process. My slot came after 9 days, advising have started. I was little bit scared about the advising as other NSUers. But bad time doesn't stay forever. So my advising time have come and it was today. Read more

battle in 12 hours!

It's 12.15am in my watch. Only 12 hours left before the 15 min battle. Yeah!, I'm talking about the advising. It's a terrible experience for every NSUers. Moreover this advising is the lengthiest advising in NSU history. We also heard about some change in the system. So everyone is anxious about for this advising. Read more