Old Blog 12: Happy Birthday to Murad Zaman

Happy Birthday Samrat!! Happy birthday my friend!!! lots of wishes for youā€¦..(btw, no gift for you.. :P ) Many many thanks for the advance Birthday BBQ party ( now what about a post Birthday party ?? :D ). Thanks for the grapes and orangesā€¦thanks for the chocolates. Finally thanks for the great momentsā€¦. Now Iā€™m withdrawing all my thanks because once you told me ā€œFriend der thanks dite hoy na.ā€.. :P :P :P Read more

Old Blog 11: Theory in Practice

you may know that Iā€™ve chosen Finance as my major for undergrad. And i think you know that most of the time finance deals with share markets. As a finance student iā€™ve learned many financial application regarding the stock market. And I thought I would learn better if I practically get involved with the stock market. So I opened a BO account and applied for the ACIā€™s 20% convertible ZCB bond & 1st IFIC bank Mutual Fund. against 4 BO accounts (2 of mine & 2 of my fatherā€™s) iā€™ve applied. I also deposited 35K for the subscription. i donā€™t know whether Iā€™ve made a good decision or not. Iā€™m taking a risk for my 35K. if I fail, iā€™ll loose my investment. Also iā€™ll fail my fatherā€™s money. So I have to be serious about it. but first, i have to get the ZCBs and MF shares. :P Read more

Old Blog 9 : New Soccer Season

Last time me and my friends played soccer was 8 month ago. That is when our friend Leu broke his left arm in a road accident. He was our key striker. After his accident all player become demotivated and almost stopped playing soccer. Nevertheless we all had love for Soccer because everyone asked me to organize another soccer match. I tried several times but there werenā€™t enough players to play. Day before yesterday, my friend Imran called for a match but same thing happened. but I asked Imran to call for the match next day so that i can inform others. And so I did. About 10 players responded for the match and 7 appeared in the field for the match. We took 2 more players from the field and got divided in two team. We played for more than 2 hours. Though my team got defeated by 6-1, Iā€™m delighted because Soccer is back. We decided to play soccer each Thursday as everyone is free on that day. but if any unavoidable circumstances occurs, match will be held on Saturday. We all agreed with this plan. So from next Saturday we are starting New Soccer Season. And Iā€™m pretty sure that next match full team will be in field. Iā€™m too much excited about it. And now my whole body hurts as I played soccer after 8 months. I think my body missed soccer tooā€¦. :P :P . I donā€™t know whether Iā€™ll be able to get in class just in time as tonight Iā€™ll have a deep sleep Iā€™ll be late to move out in the morning. So gotta go nowā€¦.. Read more

Old Blog 8: Nostalgia

The person Iā€™m is totally different from the person I was in my school life.in DRMC. I had the most wonderful 2 years of my life during my school life in Dhaka Residential Model College. I got some unforgettable memories there. I remember the day I passed the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) exam. I was really worried about my result. I never thought of getting GPA 5.00 out of 5.00. In fact I thought my result would be between 4.8-4.9. but I when I saw my result I was overjoyed. I remember it was a rainy day. I along with some other friends went out in the rain. we were flying in the open sky that day. Nothing could touch us our happiness. People were watching us while we were walking in the cats & dog rain. Some advised us not to get wet in the rain or else we will get fever. But we didnā€™t care. we replied ā€œlet us enjoy ourselves. this day wonā€™t come again.ā€ Read more

Old Blog 7: Update time!!

well well, looks like itā€™s time for a little update. i didnā€™t share my updates here in last few days. that is because I was little bit depressed . I am not going to tell why but all I can say that I lost interest on everything. I want to skip this part and say something about major events of last few days. Read more

Old Blog 5: Mystery & a heartbreak!

At last the mystery has been revealed. After 5 days of suspense, mystery has been revealed. Well the mystery is not that much serious. no. it is serious. My performance for Production Management (MGT314) course depended on it. OK, let me give you the full details. Read more