Digital Bangladesh and a lie!!

Current government of Bangladesh came into power with the motto of Digital Bangladesh. The set vision 2020 to complete the motto. Well, that’s a good thing to say. But in reality what they are doing? They are not setting up any new facility for achieving the goal that the government set. They lied to us. They don’t care about digital Bangladesh. I think, they don’t even know what digital actually means. How can I say this? We know digital is actually form of two binary digit. Those two digit is 0 & 1. o represents the absence of electricity & 1 represents the presence of electricity. When any data or information is represented these two binary digits it becomes digital. Read more

Can marketing create needs and demands?

Does marketing creates need or responds to the need? it is the very old marketing argument. I think marketing does this both. In order to survive in the competition or keeping business alive, marketers has to follow both strategies. Marketing satisfies need when consumers’ know what they need. But when there is no need is present or consumers’ don’t have the idea about what they need, marketing creates need. Read more

A story of BTRC: VSAT Saga

BTRC stands for Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission. This organization controls the telecommunication facilities. Their job is to develop the telecommunication system. In order to do that they undertakes many decisions and policies. But most of their decisions are wrong. Their latest decision is to stop the us of VSAT technology. Read more

Repairing Crumbling Wall With Lego

Have you ever thought of fixing your house's broken wall with Lego? or have you even think of decorating your room with creative wall made of Lego? may be you have or may be you haven't. But Jan Vourmann did . Jan is a German artist and he has spent last three years traveling the world and repairing crumbling walls and monuments with Lego. 26 years old Jan has taken his project from its humble beginnings at an art fair in Rome and brightened up thousands of people's days with his brightly colored plastic Lego. His fixing doesn't have architectural value but surely has lots of artistic value. Some of his creative fixing is shared below. Look at pictures below and see how creatively he did this job. Read more