My Robotic life (University days)

Robot Joe
Image by FlySi via Flickr

I’ve figured out that most of my weekdays have almost similar patterns. One pattern for MW days, and another for ST days. So I’ve tried documenting them. Here I’ve finished documenting MW days activity.

Phrase 1
6:15 am —— [Detected power signal] = (alarm sound)
6:20 am —— [Establishing power connection] = (2nd alarm sound)
6:25 am —— [Received request to power up] = (3rd & final alarm)
6:27 am —— [Analyzing & repairing available data] = (brushing teeth, washing face)
6:35 am —— [Removing unnecessary files] = (you know what I mean…:P)
6:40 am —— [Getting ready to use] = (dressing up and packing bag)
6:50 am —— [Collecting necessary resources] = (taking food, money)
7:00 am —— [Ready to use] = (ready to leave)

Phrase 2
7:10 am —— [Preparing to move components] = (starting for NSU)
7:30 am —— [Components moving started] = (getting in Vehicles)
8:55 am —— [Components moving finished] = (reached NSU)
8:56 am —— [Idle] = (roam around, sit in club room)

Phrase 3
9:25 am —— [Running program Environment] = (going to class room)
9:40 am —— [Program loaded] = (class started)
11:10 am —— [Program hanged] = (class finished)
11:20 am —— [Program restarted] = (2nd class started)
12:50 pm —— [program paused] = (class finished)
1:00 pm —— [recovering from serious damage] = (take lunch)
1:20 pm —– [Disk De-fragment] = (library)
1:50 pm —– [Memory Clean up] = (hanging out with friends)
2:15 pm—— [idle] = (roaming around, going to club room)
2:35 pm—— [program loading started] = (arriving at class room)
2:40 pm—— [Program loaded] = (class started)
2: 45 pm—— [application error: continuing anyway] = (boring class)
3:50 pm—— [Program Crashed] = (class finished)

Phrase 4
4:15 pm —— [Preparing to move components] = (starting for home)
4:40 pm —— [Components moving started] = (getting in Vehicles)
6:10 pm —— [Components moving finished] = (reached home)
6:15 pm —— [Refreshing system] = (freshening up)
6: 35 pm —— [Collecting resources] = (take tea)

Phrase 5
7:00 pm —— [Data loading, analyzing and storing to primary memory] = (study for quiz & assignment)
8:00 pm —— [System Noise] = (load shedding)
9:00 pm —— [Accessing public network] = (Facebook, Twitter & Live)
10:25 pm —– [Public network disconnected] = (break)
10:30 pm —– [Collecting resources] = (have dinner)
10:50 pm —— [Reestablishing public network connection] = (back online)
11:45 pm —— [Public network disconnected] = (going offline)
12:00 am —— [Request to shut down] = (Feeling sleepy)
12:05 am —– [preparing to shut down] = (making bed)
12: 08 am —– [Removing unnecessary files] =(you know what I mean 😀 )
12: 13 am —– [Shutting down the system] = (going to sleep)
12:15 am —— [System shut down] = ( ZzZzZz…….. )

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