Career Insights with DAF Alumni

On August 2022, I had the opportunity to speak in an knowledge sharing session with Current Students of North South University. In the session, I have spoken from my own experience about the decision making process I went through while selecting my career path. I also spoken about current and future opportunities of this profession. Ultimate goal was to encourage students to pursue professional accreditation. I am sharing my speech here so that other may be encouraged too. Read more

Why you should continue to update yourself?

If a person stops learning, his knowledge and skills will start to wear off. He will be out of practice and will face difficulties applying it. That too if the expertise remains relevant after a long time. Because of the legal, technological changes and covid-19 pandemic, operation process of organization has changed tremendously. This is making some of past expertise irrelevant and obsolete. Unless one keeps updating himself and adopt changes, he too will become obsolete for the role he is working on. Read more

I am #AuditorProud

Today is 5th International Auditor Proud Day which is celebrated on September 26 every year. Millions of auditors are working very hard across the world with high ethical standards to make the world better. On this occasion of Auditor Proud Day, I am expressing my appreciations to all the members of audit profession. Read more

Can marketing create needs and demands?

Does marketing creates need or responds to the need? it is the very old marketing argument. I think marketing does this both. In order to survive in the competition or keeping business alive, marketers has to follow both strategies. Marketing satisfies need when consumersā€™ know what they need. But when there is no need is present or consumersā€™ donā€™t have the idea about what they need, marketing creates need. Read more