New Year Resolution 2018

I know it's really late for sharing the new years resolution but better late than never. Although I have already set my resolution at the very beginning of the year but I couldn't manage time for putting things in word and share in this blog. Read more

Flashback 2017 : A year of stress

Generally off years favors me very much. Alhamdulillah 2017 has been a blessing for me. I had many success during this year. I got promoted, got pay rise, visited new counties, went on trips, passed professional exams, got married, learned new things, and made some savings. Overall, Alhamdulillah, 2017 is was an exciting and successful year for me. Read more

Resolution 2016

Happy New Year People!!! So 2016 is already here! Hope you are having a great time. As usual I am here with New Year resolution for the year 2016. Each year I make few resolution and aim to execute those resolutions. Main theme of my New Year resolutions are career progress, future security and maintaining a healthy and peaceful file. I hope you have made your own New Year resolutions. If you have not, it is high time you should make some and try to act accordingly. Read more